Study Breaks

Study Breaks
September is fast approaching and for some of you (including myself) that means back to school. I wanted to share with you some of the studying breaks that I do to get my mind off of school work so I can refocus afterwards on the topics at hand.
This is a break I think that a lot of students turn to when they get fed up with what they’re doing. I find that it’s super important to take a food break, but make sure to take a good food break or you’ll feel lazy and possibly find yourself in a food-coma if you eat the wrong things or just eat too much. I like to prepare my “brain-foods” before I start studying and keep them in a separate area in the fridge or in the pantry so that A) my family members don’t take them and B) I don’t wander aimlessly in front of the fridge and look for something else that may be more appealing. Like that last slice of chocolate cake perhaps.
I may be slightly obsessed with this study break method. I love to sleep (is that bad?) and I love to feel refreshed. So this works great for me. It’s really important for me to make sure that I set my alarm though or else I’ll be out for hours if not the night. I usually sleep between 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the time of day and what I’m studying. If my exam is the next day, I’ll stick to a half hour nap session.
This is probably the best break you can take. Whether you do some stretches, some walking or running, or even a little gym session if you can, it’s a great way to release some stress but also a great way to get your cardio working and get your brain stimulated.
I’m a big fan of this one also! Whenever I feel a bit overwhelmed and absolutely need to take my mind off of things I get lost in a different world by watching YouTube tutorials or videos, catching up on my favourite TV show or reading 1 or 2 chapters from my current read.
Getting Creative
Some people release stress doing some exercises, others do it by creating. Paint, sculpt, write, sing or have a dance party. It’s your break. No one will judge you. Just make sure to keep track of the time so you don’t get too carried away.
Freshening Up
A hot bath or a hot shower always helps me recharge and makes me feel refreshed after a long day.
These are only a few examples of taking a study break. What are yours? I’d love to hear some of your breaks! You can do so by commenting below or emailing

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